A PUFFIN PERCHED ON A CLIFF EDGE, THE TRESHNISH ISLES- A GROUP OF UNINHABITED ISLANDS OFF THE ISLE OF MULL ALTHOUGH EXTENSIVELY POPULATED BY SEALS AND SEA BIRDS, INNER HEBRIDES. PIC:PAUL TOMKINS/VisitScotland/SCOTTISH VIEWPOINT Tel: +44 (0) 131 622 7174 Fax: +44 (0) 131 622 7175 E-Mail : info@scottishviewpoint.com This photograph can not be used without prior permission from Scottish Viewpoint. – VisitScotland / Paul Tomkins

The Jacobite steam train passing over the Glenfinnan Viaduct at the head of Loch Shiel, Lochaber, Highlands of Scotland

Fraserburgh’s Award Winning Beach stretches for miles backed by golden sand dunes and located where the Moray Firth meets the North Sea. The waters off Fraserburgh’s beach are perfect for watersports with surfing and paddling boarding. From the beach you can see the bustling Fraserburgh Harbour and the Kinnaird Head Castle Lighthouse on the skyline. – VisitScotland / Discover Fraserburgh / Damian Shields

Findlater Castle is the old seat of the Earls of Findlater and Seafield, sitting on a 50-foot-high cliff overlooking the Moray Firth on the coast of Banff and Buchan, Aberdeenshire. It lies about 15 km west of Banff, near the village of Sandend, between Cullen and Portsoy. – VisitScotland / North East 250 / Damian Shields